Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Final Garment almost complete

The coral has been replaced with the pink as it fitted in better with my concept. My dress is made up of 83 yes 83 panels which have all been top stitched.

Hope ya'll like it ;-) x x x

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Garment Tutorials

So having sewn the front of my dress I cut out the patterns for the S.S and back. HOWEVER when sewing the S.S panels they did not match with the front. So the panels had to be changed.

I pinned together the front, side and back panels in order to re-create to cutting lines to make them match up. HAVING THEN REALISED that I sewed the panels the wrong way round so I wasn't going to change the back panels as they did fit so I changed the front panels instead.


Front of Top

Side view of top

Back of Top

I did not need to do a toile for my skirt as I only need to put the zip in the back instead ofin the S.S and the panels with the wading in I need to make them 1 panel so there is no S.S

Friday, 30 March 2012

Garment Construction

I put the front of my dress together and found that with the new panels  and the changed patterns it had all fitted well.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Toile Progress Presentation

A few things which needed to be changed with my toile dress. The pencil lines are where the panels have now been changed. the changed made  were:
  1. Remove the waist seam
  2. Make the cutting lines flow through to the S.S and follow through on to the back
  3. Panels need to change as the seam in the waist has been removed
  4. Get rid of the C.F seam and make new panels on the front
  5. Shorten the sleeves

Monday, 12 March 2012


From my chosen designs I started to make up my toile in calico. Below is a skirt (front & back), top (front, side & back) and dress (front, side & back). On each toile has cutting lines. The skirt has wading each 2 panels on front & back.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Draping on the stand

I have taken my initial design ideas to work on silhouette from my collection. I chose to drape on the stand as it is the best way to achieve my shapes.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Developed Design Ideas

Here I took my favourite design ideas to develop them further. The first design has been developed further to come up with more interesting design ideas.